Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 11760
Country/Region: Dominican Republic
Year: 2009
Main Partner: U.S. Agency for International Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Own Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $405,000

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $405,000

USAID has the largest share of the total PEPFAR budget for USG/DR (66.2% in FY09) and the largest in-

country presence of technical staff. Half of the USAID/DR health portfolio budget is devoted to HIV/AIDS

activities. USAID is highly invested in prevention, treatment and care interventions across all program

areas. USAID also plays the lead role in coordinating USG HIV/AIDS activities with GODR and other non-

USG stakeholders.

USAID/DR mission HIV/AIDS staffing includes the Health and Population Team (HPT) Leader, HPT

technical staff, and support from other offices within the USAID/DR mission. The USAID/DR HIV/AIDS

program is comprehensive and PEPFAR-funded staff work across many program areas, therefore all staff

are included in the management and staffing budget.

The HPT Leader is a direct hire responsible for the entire USAID/DR health portfolio, including HIV/AIDS

activities. The HPT Leader dedicates approximately 30% of her time to HIV/AIDS activities, including

leadership and supervision of the HIV/AIDS core and expanded team and representation of USAID in the

HIV/AIDS - GF Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM) and the International Donors Committee. As

delegated by the Mission Director, the HPT Leader may serve as interlocutor with senior-level GODR

officials and multi-national donors. In addition, the HPT Leader is responsible for development and

implementation of the Mission's strategic plan and the country work plans related to HIV/AIDS. She is also

responsible for integration, as appropriate, of HIV/AIDS activities into the Mission's other technical

programs, including maternal and child survival, democracy and governance, education, and economic

growth. The HPT Leader position is paid for with USAID operating expenses and is not PEPFAR-funded

The HIV/AIDS Project Manager is a senior level, LES staff member to with responsibility for coordination of

the Mission's HIV/AIDS activities, assistance in the preparation of the strategic plan and the country work

plans, and the day-to-day coordination of activities with HIV/AIDS stakeholders including the technical staff

of the GODR, donors and other HIV/AIDS stakeholders. Currently, the HIV/AIDS Project Manager spends

75% of her time to HIV/AIDS activities and 25% to the Mission's tuberculosis activities.

The Health Specialist -Technical Leadership Manager provides technical direction to program activities

ensuring sound epidemiological, clinical and preventive medicine criteria are applied in program

implementation. The Health Specialist -Technical Leadership Manager shares responsibility for

management of HIV/AIDS projects. The current Health Specialist -Technical Leadership Manager is a US

direct hire (USDH), although by FY2009, the position may transition to another USAID/Washington-funded

junior officer or to a LES position. Currently, the incumbent spends 75% of his time on HIV/AIDS and 25%

on other health-related activities.

Health Reform Specialist - Technical Advisor/Program Manager is a LES who dedicates 25% of her time to

managing HIV/AIDS within the USAID/DR health reform/systems strengthening portfolio. Current activities

include strengthening quality health care services, ensuring appropriate financing and services for HIV/AIDS

and other diseases, and integration of HIV/AIDS services within the context of the health care reform.

Current functions include management of projects improving quality health services and channeling HIV

funds for HIV/AIDS activities managed by NGOs. Activities starting in FY2009 will involve being

management of activities focusing on health sector reform, improvement of health services and integration

of HIV/AIDS health care activities.

USAID/DR is planning to create a new LES M&E Specialist position. The M&E Specialist will be involved in

all aspects of M&E, include data gathering, compilation, basic analysis and reporting of USAID/DR

HIV/AIDS program activities. In addition, the M&E Specialist will have responsibility for coordinating

PEPFAR reporting activities between USAID and other US agencies with PEPFAR programs in the DR.

The M&E Specialist will work on HIV/AIDS activities full-time.

The Program Assistant position, to be filled by a LES, is currently vacant. The Program Assistant prepares

procurement documents and other specialized administrative support as needed. It is expected that the

Program Assistant will dedicate 50% of his/her time to support HIV/AIDS activities.

In addition to the above HPT positions described above, USAID/DR PEPFAR staffing includes positions

from other offices within the mission. The Financial Analyst, a LES, spends 50% of her time on budgeting

and financing issues relating to HIV/AIDS activities. The Acquisition and Assistance Specialist (A&A), a

LES, spends 50% of her time on procurement activities related to HIV/AIDS funding of the health portfolio

and the principal A&A instruments corresponding to HIV/AIDS. The Program Development Specialist is a

LES who spends 50% of his time working closely with the HPT on HIV/AIDS, providing programmatic

assistance to the health portfolio and ensuring activities are in accordance with USAID and PEPFAR

programmatic rules, regulations and guidelines. Finally, one of the five LES USAID drivers who provide

transportation services within town and for travel to field sites 50% of his time supporting transportation

related to HIV/AIDS activities.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 18420

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

18420 11915.08 U.S. Agency for US Agency for 8095 6016.08 Program $375,000

International International Management

Development Development

11915 11915.07 U.S. Agency for US Agency for 6016 6016.07 Program $235,350

International International Management

Development Development